sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007

Sucre Mission, a new Educational System?


According to the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999), on its Article 102 states that Education is a human right and a fundamental social duty; it is democratic, free of charge and obligatory. (…) Based on that, President Hugo Chavez Frias in 2003 established Sucre Mission, which is a program that included students that were not in a university. In the past decades the governments did not pay attention to Education.

Actually, education was almost privatized when it should be free and equal to everyone. Students thought they were wasting their time when they really wanted to continue studying but maybe they could not afford their career. Sucre Mission is considered, for those who agree with President Chavez government, as an anti-poverty program, the government is aware of the situation of students with low incomes; in fact, the government provides them with scholarships; but poverty is still in our country and it seems to be rising.

Students that belong to this mission have classes in the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela and the Aldeas Educativas, This University imparts many careers such as: pedagogies, engineering, law school and even medical studies among other. Nowadays, the government pretends to include students only in this university, but they are forgetting about the rest of them, because it is known that political preferences have been involved in this context. In that way, they are not being democratic.

On the other hand, in the Sucre mission’s curriculum, foreign languages were not considered important. English language, for instance, should be included because it is the most spoken language around the world. This mission is supposed to be based on a national and even international union, but there are many people wondering why languages are being left apart.

Sucre Mission bases on a peculiar characteristic, which is only 3 years to get a degree. It can not be possible to learn all the content of 5 years in only 3 years, because sometimes students graduate without been well-prepared to develop as professionals.

Another interesting topic is about the people who are teaching those students, most of the people who work in this mission as teachers, in some cases they are not graduated. They only took a course just to be there as teachers. Why do people like to play with our profession? Teaching is not only to stand up in front others and read a book for example; teaching is an exchange of knowledge, it is trying to make others people understand you, it is not only communication. Not all the people have the minimum requirements to be a teacher.

Education is a compromise that the government has with everyone and also it should be on everyone's hands. Education is seen as an unimportant career instead of being considered as one of the most important. It is thought that being a teacher is the easiest thing in the world or that every literate person can teach, but it is not the truth at all. Nowadays, teachers are not concern about the quality of education that they are going to give because they do not earn as much money as they should be getting. An educational program should include well-prepared teachers and a high quality curriculum. Government instead of be creating a parallel educational system as Sucre Mission; they should be paying more attention in the already existent, and also they should be trying to satisfy Educational necessities, because it is still being left behind.



CONSTITUTION OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA (1999), TITLE III. Duties, Human Rights And Guarantees. Chapter VI. Culture and Educational Rights. Article 102
Retrieved May 04, 2007, from

Misiones Bolivariana (2006) Misión Sucre.
Retrieved May 04, 2007, from

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2007, April 14). Mission Sucre.
Retrieved April 30, 2007, from

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2007


Plagiarism is when you use something, for example an idea or a paragraph, that doesn't belong to you. Nowadays, this is a topic that concerns to everyone, because we can see how this terrible problem has been affecting us. Internet as a useful source of plenty of information about different topics, from it is where people, usually students, plagiarize.

Plagiarism is a matter of honesty and responsibility. Students should develop their tasks by themselves. Although, in most of the times, it is caused because professors do not prevent their students from plagiarism or they do not know how to do a quotation in order to give credit to the one who deserves it. Many people are not aware about this.

Particularly, I think that in our university there should be workshops about plagiarism, not only about what it is, but about the academic things that could happen to that student that plagiarize. Actually, I still do not have an idea if it exists or not. Therefore, I consider that. It would be good a regulation or a restriction about plagiarism in our country, in our university and if it is informed to everyone.

If you still have doubts about what plagiarism is or when it is considered as one, I suggest you, check these links that will help you to understand it better.
